Dean Ball and I are back for a third round this Wednesday, 6pm at the same place. As usual, you must register in advance:
I am the first person profiled in The Technology Brother, a shiny new techno-optimist magazine. Like, comment, subscribe!
Fair “both sides” coverage of our anti - SB 1047 campaign in Politico. Submit a letter on SB 1047 if you haven’t.
I have an article in Cato on why AI startups are fragile. I have some exclusive interviews with early-stage startup founders. If you’re a longtime reader of the show, it’s probably stuff you’re familiar with.
I’m interviewed by Nathan Labenz. I respond to many doomer arguments in the most patient manner yet. Except online push polls, I’m not having any of that. For a group of people who hang out with Nate Silver so much, they should know that’s a bad use of polling. Speaking of hanging out with Nate Silver, I will also be speaking at that conference. Likely doing an AI debate with a doomer, but definitely doing a separate talk about envy markets.
A while back, I did another interview with Richard Hanania. This is a more personal interview, in which I open up about why DC is Honest And Good.