If your argument against having sex is that people have better things to be doing, shouldn't you be equally against monogamous sex within marriage? Sex doesn't take less time just because you're married (at least, for the sake of married people, I hope not :p)

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The issue with this is that there is little overlap between effective altruists, who tend to be secular and libertarian, and people that are socially conservative, like evangelical Christians.

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Much of this seems like a new age way for smart people to leverage the value of religion without calling themselves religious. EA’s doing a lot of mental gymnastics to live a virtuous life.

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Can’t I do sex, drink Chablis, and still have time for EA? I’m a glass half full kind of guy.

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Your model of a good society or what works well is misattributed to the values I think. Moreso, I think the positive aspects of what you're pointing out are the stability that a more uniform community can provide, such as a church. Christianity isn't the only value system that could effectively facilitate this kind of stability, secular churches and other religions can have a similar effect. The only difference is that these alternates thus far have never been quite so effective at charming/scaring folks into falling in line.

At any rate, you're not entirely wrong there's definitely demand for this structure in society even in more liberal circles. But marrying positive life outcomes so aggressively to your highly specific value set, at least in some instances, is Christian fan fiction.

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