Great interview. I think you are flirting with the idea that libertarians need to organize and strategize better. I agree. Bryan’s advice to be more friendly is great for your personal life but not optimal for policy change. Robyn DiAngelo didn’t get white fragility into corporate HR departments nationwide by being nice. She and her allies spent years writing, advocating, promoting people into jobs, criticizing, yelling, and intimidating. That’s how you win in politics. (To your theory of realism in domestic politics.) Though it’s not how you have a happy life so agree with Bryan there.

I’d like to see libertarians or at least groups of them aligned around certain issues mimic the Federalist Society. Maybe create an organization to advocate/pressure/sue for, recruit, and place conservative or libertarian tenure track faculty into universities. Libertarians would most likely have to form coalitions with other groups they don’t care for to do this but that is the essence of strategy.

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Nice episode. One thing that was perhaps left out with regard to what can be done is the extent that social desirability bias and preference falsification effects people who are extremely sympathetic to thinkers like you and Bryan.

These people may even be aware of social desirability bias but still falsify their preferences out of fear. This seems to be a problem of common knowlewdge.

It's not so much that we haven't thought about the example of unequal representation in basketballers, Olympians and D&D. It's that we don't want to mention it. Especially not at work. Especially not about achievement gaps.

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