I mostly agree with this piece. Linking aversion to “platforming” to slave morality is particularly poignant.
In this aspect I’m simultaneously new right, libertarian, EA, and maybe even socialist at the same time, which really doesn’t make much sense. But I think in general political labels don’t make much sense, and from a utilitarian perspective this way of relating to them is the best for me and the best for intellectual movements in general.”
I agree that binding yourself to ideas and writings from people who operate under a certain political label or carry certain cultural associations is folly.
I do, however, reject the “no labels” position. I think, even for highly intelligent people, the aesthetic vision attached to certain ideological labels provides a necessary anchor for political vision and strategy.
While one should be eclectic in the sources they draw from—and not a doctrinaire free marketeer, for example—i think having a general set of principles to adhere to keeps one from deviating too far in the wrong direction. Wrote this on iphone so i apologize for typos
Seems like having heard of this thing called Google would be a prerequisite to reading a dissident thinker like our host here. But maybe that’s just me.
I mostly agree with this piece. Linking aversion to “platforming” to slave morality is particularly poignant.
In this aspect I’m simultaneously new right, libertarian, EA, and maybe even socialist at the same time, which really doesn’t make much sense. But I think in general political labels don’t make much sense, and from a utilitarian perspective this way of relating to them is the best for me and the best for intellectual movements in general.”
I agree that binding yourself to ideas and writings from people who operate under a certain political label or carry certain cultural associations is folly.
I do, however, reject the “no labels” position. I think, even for highly intelligent people, the aesthetic vision attached to certain ideological labels provides a necessary anchor for political vision and strategy.
While one should be eclectic in the sources they draw from—and not a doctrinaire free marketeer, for example—i think having a general set of principles to adhere to keeps one from deviating too far in the wrong direction. Wrote this on iphone so i apologize for typos
Thank you for the succinct response to the 'slave mentality' / platforming question. I'm going to borrow that.
The other explanations are also excellent in framing a discussion on trying to bring people in learning across ideologies and synthesis of new points.
What's 'EA"? Consider using the full term at least once at the beginning to avoid questions like these...
Seems like having heard of this thing called Google would be a prerequisite to reading a dissident thinker like our host here. But maybe that’s just me.
“curtis yarvin ea” takes you right to a full explanation.
I get you, and I (mostly) agree with you. I learn from you, which makes it worthwhile for me to read.
Very nice!