I like your point about context switching. It reminds me of Deep Focus. It's probably pretty bad for ability to focus.

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I like this point about the tails of the distribution for right and left. There are many very intelligent right wing dissidents, even if they have odd views. Consider someone like Curtis Yarvin or the people that go on Alex Kaschuta's podcast. You have smart lefties, but you see a lot of them in institutions. The unifying trait of the right is that they are opposed to the left. The left seems to be unified by opposition to hierarchy and inequality; they view social relationships through an oppressor-oppressed lens. But they also believe strongly in emotional harm avoidance of oppressed groups, and they seem more willing to not debate, but to just conform to whatever is the current thing which minimizes emotional harm. You'll notice that the left highlights small differences and attacks people for dissent. Whereas Republicans and conservatives have a weird trait of accepting everyone who dissents a bit: Think of Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, IDW folks. These people aren't conservatives, but many on the right like them.

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the audio essay would be more appropriate in its own podcast than before an interview

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