I am so very grateful that you explained plainly to me what they mean by "destroying Democracy" as I have been scratching my head over that one, especially as I watch differences of thought become less tolerated. The idea of Democracy itself requires acceptance of differences, rather than Puritanical canceling.

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Jul 10, 2022·edited Jul 10, 2022Liked by Brian Chau

For those of you who don’t remember, 2009-2011 brought the majority or normal people onto the wider Internet for the first time with the smartphone's wider rollout

This is probably a bit more of a significant shift than just the like button

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Jul 10, 2022Liked by Brian Chau

Have you read Christopher Caldwell's Age of Entitlement? He makes many of the points you do here.

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No, but it's been on my list. Looking forward to it!

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Great read, I'd been saving up both Haidt's article and your response for when I had some time to ponder over it. I've reread your words a bit and there's still two things I can't quite get my head round;

What leads you to think that Haidt doesn't think intelligence is varied across society?

And what data do we have to say that public officials are less clever than before? And even if they are, do you not think that social media and the public shaming it brings still might play a heavy hand in stopping dissenting opinions from being put forward and hence more stupidity arising?

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Interesting article with both authors being correct to a degree. I always thought of liberal democracy as being liberal free traders ‘ neoliberals while having a democratic ‘ voting society. Just my take.

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