It's unfortunate that this comment section immediately filled up with people saying "yeah, yeah, but _my_ opposition to progress is good and cool" even though it's just as much based on either panic, politics, or both as the previous opposition to progress.
>And it has led a dangerous fringe into advocating for slowing or stopping AI research
The "dangerous fringe" including the very set of pioneering AI pundits, AI researchers and AI enterpreneurs, who have all warned about its dangers, sometimes calling them "existential"?
Right or wrong, those are not some crazy fringes, they're at the very core of AI. The rest is their employees, marketeers, and resellers.
> which we all know from the historical precedent, would cause a deadly stagnation killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans.
If "slowing or stopping AI research" is enough to cause "a deadly stagnation killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans", then perhaps the country is in dire need of a balanced robust multi-faceted economy - and has given on that, hoping for miraculus technological solutions with religious fervor instead.
This is the anti-vax / AI doom convergence. When there is no evidence to show of, claim blanket authority to fear-monger baselessly via credentials that have nothing to do with being able to predict doomsday.
The mRNA stagnation is not due to regulation. The first mRNA vax was swiftly withdrawn due to an intrinsic problem with mRNA vax technology - it ALWAYS has the potential to cause auto-immune diseases, and did so with the last one. The fact that this has been covered up and a whole series of mRNA products are now planned is an epic failure of the FDA
Why did you have to inject science and reality into this?
Wasn't it better to hail emergecy-fast-track approval as some kind of scientific breakthrough and point fingers at bad regulations slowing progress? It's not like there's a few centuries of history of companies selling whatever premature miracle cure, including dangerous snake-oil, anytime they have been given the chance...
Somebody should write a book...
Added to my list :)
It's unfortunate that this comment section immediately filled up with people saying "yeah, yeah, but _my_ opposition to progress is good and cool" even though it's just as much based on either panic, politics, or both as the previous opposition to progress.
Many such cases!
>And it has led a dangerous fringe into advocating for slowing or stopping AI research
The "dangerous fringe" including the very set of pioneering AI pundits, AI researchers and AI enterpreneurs, who have all warned about its dangers, sometimes calling them "existential"?
Right or wrong, those are not some crazy fringes, they're at the very core of AI. The rest is their employees, marketeers, and resellers.
> which we all know from the historical precedent, would cause a deadly stagnation killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans.
If "slowing or stopping AI research" is enough to cause "a deadly stagnation killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans", then perhaps the country is in dire need of a balanced robust multi-faceted economy - and has given on that, hoping for miraculus technological solutions with religious fervor instead.
This is the anti-vax / AI doom convergence. When there is no evidence to show of, claim blanket authority to fear-monger baselessly via credentials that have nothing to do with being able to predict doomsday.
Your refutation of my ad hominem is an appeal to authority!
The mRNA stagnation is not due to regulation. The first mRNA vax was swiftly withdrawn due to an intrinsic problem with mRNA vax technology - it ALWAYS has the potential to cause auto-immune diseases, and did so with the last one. The fact that this has been covered up and a whole series of mRNA products are now planned is an epic failure of the FDA
Why did you have to inject science and reality into this?
Wasn't it better to hail emergecy-fast-track approval as some kind of scientific breakthrough and point fingers at bad regulations slowing progress? It's not like there's a few centuries of history of companies selling whatever premature miracle cure, including dangerous snake-oil, anytime they have been given the chance...